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Davydov Volodymyr Yuriyovych — Doctor of biological sciences (2003), Candidate Education Sciences (1991).
Graduated from Volgograd State Institute of Physical Culture (1975).
Since 1976 till 1981 worked as a senior lecturer of the department of swimming of this institute.
Since 1981 till 1985 — postgraduate student of Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture.
Since 1985 till 1990 — senior lecturer of the department of swimming of Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture.
From 1984 till 1985 was a member of complex scientific group of combined team of USSR in rowing, from 1986 till 1990 was a member of complex scientific group of combined team of USSR in rowing and canoeing.
From 1990 till 1998 worked as a head of problem scientific and research laboratory in swimming — the only in USSR.
In 1991 in Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture has supported a thesis for the achieving of scientific degree of the candidate of pedagogical sciences.
In 1993 Davydov Volodymyr was granted a scientific title of “senior scientific worker” in specialty “Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training and health–improving physical culture”.
In 2003 in Moscow State University has supported a thesis for the achieving of scientific degree of the Doctor of Biological Sciences.
From 1999 till 2004 was an associate professor of the department of theory and methodology ofphysical education of Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture.
In 2005 was granted a scientific status of professor of the department of theory and methodology of physical education.
Davydov Volodymyr is the author of more than 400 scientific published works, among them more than 130 monographs, scientific and educational–methodological textbooks, methodological recommendations in the scope of sport of the highest achievements and health–improving physical culture.
Under the guidance of Davydov Volodymyr it was developed a complex program of monitoring of health condition, physical development and physical training of children and youth in Volgograd region.
Davydov V. Y. was decorated with a badge “Excellence in physical culture and sport”.
Was a member of doctor dissertation board at Volgograd State Academy of physical culture.
Under his supervision it was supported 6 candidate theses.
Worked in Poland at Academy of physical Education of Jozef Pilsudski in Warsaw (2006–2009).
Has conducted scientific studies for pupils in Lebanon (2008–2009).
Since 2003 works with the national team of Byelorussia in rowing and canoeing in the scientific scope.
Since August 2013 - a professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports Polessky State University.
From September 2013 to 2015 he worked as head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports.
Since August 2015 - Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports Polessky State University.