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Specialty - 1- 75 02 01 Garden and park construction
Specialization - 1- 75 02 01 01 Landscape design
Qualification - Engineer of landscape gardening
Training period - 4 years
The formation of a highly qualified engineering personnel base, which has a creative resource for the development of the engineering direction of the country's economy, the intensification of the development of a favorable innovation and technological environment in Pripyat Polesie.
General information for admission of foreign citizens to this specialty can be found by following the link.
Basic discipline , which will be trained in the specialty " Landscape Construction ": the landscape is, designing e ; systems s greening of residential areas; Engineering e beautification of and green e constructions on ; remodeling I sites of landscape architecture; foundations s designing a small garden; basics of architectural composition ; hydraulic engineering ie construction; decorative th dendrologists I ; floriculture; phytodesign , etc.
- an office on drawing and the basics of composition of the department of landscape design for conducting classes in the academic disciplines "Drawing and the basics of composition", "Descriptive geometry and architectural graphics", "History and theory of landscape art". The audience has 15 easels, objects for drawing from life, illustrative examples of work;
- a room for floriculture of the Department of Landscape Design, designed to conduct classes in the academic disciplines "Floriculture", " Phytodesign ", "Decorative dendrology". In the audience there are herbarium samples of ornamental plants, coniferous and deciduous species, live plants;
- computer class with special software "Our Garden Rubin 9.0", "KOMPAS", "AutoCad" with all the necessary applications;
- educational laboratory "Hydraulic structures" for conducting classes on the discipline "Hydraulic structures" for students of the specialty "Garden and park construction".
The profession of an engineer in landscape gardening belongs to the type "Man - Nature", it is associated with working with plants, natural and anthropogenic landscapes, with the creation of a comfortable environment for human living. And an engineer of landscape gardening can work at enterprises and firms engaged in the design of landscaping and improvement facilities, in architectural and landscape workshops and studios, housing and communal services units, forestry enterprises , botanical gardens, floristic firms, as well as in educational institutions.
Possible positions: landscape designer, landscape architect, specialist in the design of green objects, head of the landscaping and landscaping section, landscaping foreman, landscaping section foreman, forest foreman.
All foreign students (budget and paid forms of education) are provided with places in a comfortable hostel for the entire period of study.
At the disposal of students is a unique sports complex with an Olympic pool, an ice arena, a universal sports hall, a football stadium, an educational and medical centre, cozy cafes and canteens