Scientific activity

D.D. Zhernossekov, professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics.

Specialist in the field of protein chemistry. Under his guidance and with direct participation, students master the methods of isolating and purifying proteins and enzymes from raw materials of various origins (mushroom, plant and animal) and also study the biological properties and physicochemical characteristics of purified preparations.
He is proficient in the methods of chromatographic separation (gel chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, affinity chromatography), as well as Northern-Southern and Western blotting methods. He completed an internship at the Protein laboratory of the University of Copenhagen.
D.D. Zhernossekov has scientific work on the study of cell adhesion molecules (family of immunoglobulin proteins, cadherins, integrins, selectins) in the hemostatic system.